5000 Births and Counting...

“Any worst nightmare that a midwife can think up in her head, I have probably lived that nightmare."
In this episode, host Augustine Colebrook meets with Kristine Lauria, a CPM who travels with Doctors Without Borders - Médecins San Frontières. Kristine has attended over 5000 births, including over 500 breech and 300 twin births. They discuss her experiences as a midwife from the humanitarian perspective, dealing with every midwife's “worst nightmares”, how she handles seeing so much death, and her suggestions for how to bring midwifery in the United States into the modern age. 

Kristine is a mentor with Midwifery Wisdom Collective and will be speaking at the Midwifery Wisdom Experience in Galveston, TX November 2022. 

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