Midwives and the Elements: Earth

Welcome back to our "Midwives and the Elements" mini-series. In this episode, we ground ourselves as we focus on the earth/land element.

These midwives will unveil stories of navigating the relentless challenges that Mother Earth can present, from treacherous earthquakes to alternative paths around washed-out roads and clinging to their resolve amidst deep, unyielding mud.

You'll also hear about midwives who step into the most sacred spaces of their client's lives, offering care and support even when the space is not at all what they would typically expect.

Intriguingly, you'll also witness how the harshest facet of the earth element isn't also found in the land itself but in the human dynamics intertwined with it.

Join us on this compelling journey through the earth element, where resilience, compassion, and the indomitable spirit of midwives shine in the face of adversity.

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