Shoulder Dystocia Case Review
Welcome to another episode of the Midwifery Wisdom Podcast! In this unique installment, host Augustine Colebrook talks with Texas Midwife Melody Barnum. Brace yourselves as they delve into the extraordinary story of a birth that Melody attended a year ago—one that goes beyond the ordinary, featuring a precipitous shoulder dystocia.
Melody and Augustine meticulously talk through each layer of this birth story. From the details of the birth itself to the incredible charting by Melody and her team, and the impact it had on Melody as a midwife.
What sets this episode apart is Melody's incredible courage and transparency in sharing her own experience. Her willingness to open up allows all of us to gain invaluable insights and lessons. Get ready to be inspired and informed as we dive into this story.
Show Resources
-Defensive Charting Course
-Shoulder Dystocia Blog
-Midwives Training EMS episode
Show Resources
-Defensive Charting Course
-Shoulder Dystocia Blog
-Midwives Training EMS episode