Three Licensed Midwives Discuss Freebirth

Buckle up for this week's episode of the Midwifery Wisdom Podcast. Your host, Augustine Colebrook, is accompanied by two remarkable California midwives, Lisa Rawson and Sophia Henderson. Together, these midwives share their personal narratives and experiences intertwined with the world of free birth.

They explore some of the adjectives that encompass this movement – from radical and authentic midwives to free birth, unassisted birth, and wild birth and thoughtfully analyze the meanings and significance these terms hold within the birthing sphere.

The trio dives into the deeper meaning of the "free birth movement", sharing how it stems from a desire for sovereignty and autonomy over one's own body, aspects that can often be compromised within various birthing environments.

Brace yourself for a candid discussion with perspectives that might challenge the norm. and encourage you to question preconceived notions. Be prepared to rethink your understanding of certain matters, as these experienced midwives lead you through an eye-opening exploration.

Show Resources
-Sophia's Website
-NBC News Freebirth Article
-Lisa Rawson's Interview
-Adam Rawson's Interview
-Calibrating Intuition Worksheet (scroll down on midwifery wisdom homepage)

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